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Tuesday, 7 April 2015



Relcapital another beautiful stock which traded in a good buy mode in the volatile market. 

We usually watch many scrips at a time for study and analyse. We have our own method of viewing the movement of a stock and its actions and reactions in various time frames. When you watch this scrip in 15 min time frame 435.15 seems to be a very good resistance point. For the last 2 to 3 days it was not in a position to break this number. 

So we started watching this scrip from 12pm. See the close of 12pm exactly .15 paise below entry level of 435.15, so it came to first place in the screen. We immediately suggested our friends and clients to have an eye at relcapital for a buying above 435.15. 

All of our friends entered above 435.15 from there it flied high up to 444.9. within 30 minutes. 

Watch scrips in action before they come into performance side. Once they are into performance dont miss it grab it and take money.

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